Bulldog Behavior and Temperament

Bulldog Behavior and Temperament: How to Keep Your Canine Companion in Check

Bulldog Behavior and TemperamentIt is important to familiarize yourself with Bulldog behavior and temperament before deciding to get one. Bulldogs are incredibly sweet dogs that have the reputation of being a tad bit lazy. These dogs like to spend their time lazing around throughout the day though they are popularly known for their friendly demeanor. Most dogs of this wonderful breed are known for the stubbornness, devotion and affectionate nature towards their pet owners. These dogs are best suited for busy families that cannot spend too much time with their families.

Pet owners must keep in mind their dog’s temperament depends on several factors including socialization, heredity, and training. This is why some dogs turn out to be friendly and playful while others are reserved. The following are a few guidelines that will help you learn more about your Bulldog:

Bulldog Behavior #1: Energy

Contrary to popular belief, Bulldogs are not lazy animals. In fact, they spend their energy quite productively. People often mistake the breed’s calmness and relaxed nature for laziness. When they are in the mood for fun, Bulldogs love to go outside and play, especially with children. Bulldogs are compassionate animals and can be trusted around children.

However, it is advised you monitor their playtime for the first couple of weeks. Take your Bulldog out for frequent walks or else they will become destructive around the house. Keep in mind that Bulldogs do not have a high tolerance to heat and humidity, hence keep them busy indoors when the weather is too hot.

Bulldog Behavior #2: Socialization

Did you know Bulldogs were originally used to drive cattle? Despite their tough background, with proper socialization, Bulldogs can grow up friendly and well-rounded dogs. Expose your pet to new places and people from a young age so they become accustomed to their surroundings. These kindhearted and affectionate dogs are great with children though you will have to monitor their activity in the beginning.

Teach your children never to attack the dog and eventually, the dog will develop a bond of trust with them and will be willing to play whenever they want. Additionally, Bulldogs may have the tendency to pounce on other prey animals, such as hamsters and cats, hence they may take a while to get accustomed to other house pets.

Bulldog Behavior #3: Intelligence

Bulldogs may be slow learners but that does not mean they are unintelligent. Do not underestimate the dog breed and simply try to be patient with them. With the right amount of practice and determination, Bulldogs will learn almost any trick you teach them. Pet owners need to be consistent and offer their pet tons of treats if they want to see results anytime soon.

Bulldog Behavior #4: Training

As mentioned above, Bulldogs can be slow learners, that combined with their stubbornness is not a pretty combination. Focus on teaching your Bulldog a couple of basic commands first, once they master those and pay all your attention to obedience training. This will make it easier for you to control your dog in the future and will also prevent them from indulging in disruptive behavior. With Bulldogs, it is advisable you keep the training sessions short or else you will simply bore them.

Bulldog Behavior #5: Calm behavior

Dog owners may be pleased know that Bulldogs are not barkers. Instead, they have a peaceful demeanor and enjoy spending their time alone. Such traits make this dog breed a hit with families that do not have much time to devote to their pets. Additionally, Bulldogs do not require a lot of physical activity and have low exercise requirements, hence if you are couch potato in need of a companion, perhaps you have found the perfect friend.

Bulldog Behavior #6: Protectiveness

Bulldogs are loyal and protective breeds. Usually, their appearance is enough to ward away intruders and unwanted guests. Bulldogs are protective of their families and will do anything to keep you away from harm’s way, which is why they make excellent guard dogs. Furthermore, Bulldogs are observant creatures and like to evaluate their surroundings. Even when they are sleeping or tired, a Bulldog is sure to notice everything that is going around in their surroundings.

These are some facts you should know about the temperament and behavior of your bulldog so you can easily handle it without any hassle or inconvenience.

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