Types of Mange in Dogs: Treatment and Essential Oil for Mange in Dogs

Is your Bulldog suffering from mange? There are different methods in treating mange in dogs. There are chemical, natural, and essential oil for mange in dogs.

Photo: Road Dogs and Rescue

Mange is caused by microscopic spider-like creatures called mites. Mites are everywhere but they cannot harm or do damage in hosts with healthy immune systems.It is not rare for dogs to have mites one time or another. Mange is what happens when there is a severe infestation of mites in dogs, causing the infected dog to lose his fur and develop very itchy scabs.

Types of Mange in Dogs

Your Bulldog can suffer from two types of mange: Demodectic mange or Sarcoptic Mange.

Demodectic Mange

Demodectic mange is caused by mites called the demodex canis. These mites are transferred through direct contact – usually from the mother dog to the puppy. These mites cannot live outside the dog’s body that’s why it’s not considered contagious. These mites can burrow deep into the dog’s hair follicles and sebaceous glands, causing extreme itchiness.

Demodex mites are present in most dogs. And the severe increase of population of these mites in the dog – due to weak immune system – is what causes Demodectic Mange.

Symptoms of Demodectic Mange include severe itching and scratching, scaly red skin, thickened and sometimes darkening skin, and severe hair loss. This type of mange cannot be transmitted to humans.

Read: Ringworm in Bulldogs: Essential Oils for Ringworm Infections

Sarcoptic Mange

This type of mange is caused by Sarcoptic mites or Sarcoptes. This type of mange is extremely contagious and can be transmitted to humans (Scabies). Sarcoptes burrows under the host dog’s skin where it lays eggs and causes extreme itching. The extreme itchiness makes the host dog scratch intensively – tearing the skin and causing bacterial infections.

Symptoms of this type of mange include crusty and reddish skin, odd-smelling skin, extreme itching.

To determine if your Bulldog has Demodectic Mange, Sarcoptic Mange, or a different skin issue, the vet shall perform a skin scrape test. In this procedure, the vet gently scrapes the dog’s skin to gather sample and look at it under a microscope. When a diagnosis is given, the veterinarian will then prescribe and recommend some treatment options.

Preventing These Types of Mange in Dogs

The best way to prevent mange in dogs is to make sure they have a healthy immune system. This means that if your Bulldog is healthy, there is lesser chance of infestation. Keeping them and their environment clean also helps prevent both types of mange.

Treating Different Types of Mange

There are medical and natural ways to get rid of both types of mange.

Advocate – Bayer’s Advocate or Advantage Multi kills both Sarcoptes and Demodex. This spot on treatment is applied once a month. Aside from Advocate, veterinarians may recommend giving the infected dog vitamins to boost the immune system, anti-histamine to lessen the itchiness, antibiotics to help get rid of bacterial infection in the dog’s skin. A bi-weekly medicated bath may also be recommended at least a week after the spot-on treatment. Treatment using Advocate usually lasts for at least 3 to 4 months.

Amitraz Dips – For dogs who develop generalized Demodectic Mange, Amitraz dips is one of the most conventional treatments. This organophosphate is given and applied to the dog’s skin. Precautions shall be taken when applying this dip. Before dipping, it is needed to bathe the dog with a benzoyl peroxide shampoo to remove oil and debris. Depending on the severity of the dog’s mange, dips are given between 6 to 14 times with a two-week interval.

Ivermectin –  Ivermectin is a drug that is effective in killing many parasites including heartworms, most intestinal parasites, and even Sarcoptic and Demodectic mites. This product has fatal effect on some herding dogs like Collies and Australian Shepherds. For dogs with Sarcoptic mange or Demodectic mange, Ivermectin must be given via injection by veterinarians. Immune system boosters, vitamins, and other supportive care treatments may also be given. Medicated baths may also be recommended.

Essential Oil for Mange and Mites

In case you prefer natural herbs or essential oils in treating mange in your Bulldog, here’s something that you can try. Do make sure to use high quality essential oils to avoid mixing harmful toxins into the solution. This essential oil mixture works for both types of mites.

Put the following essential oils into a container of Animal Scents Shampoo:

Types of Mange in Dogs: Treatment and Essential Oil for Mange in Dogs

Types of Mange in Dogs: Treatment and Essential Oil for Mange in Dogs

Types of Mange in Dogs: Treatment and Essential Oil for Mange in Dogs

Types of Mange in Dogs: Treatment and Essential Oil for Mange in Dogs

Use the mixture to bathe your Bulldog twice a week. Make sure to give him immune system boosters, vitamins, and a healthy diet. Too much bath can stress a dog’s body, making him prone to catching diseases that’s why supporting his immune system while treatment is necessary.

You can also make a topical by mixing the same amount of essential oils with an ounce of V-6 Oil. Just make sure to keep it in a dark glass bottle. Apply several drops of the mixture on the affected area twice a day for three weeks.

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