How to Train Your Bulldog

How to Train Your Bulldog: The Tricks You Can Teach

How to Train Your BulldogIt is a great idea to teach and train your Bulldog to do a few basic commands. Obedience training prevents them from getting into trouble and makes it easier for you to tackle behavioral problems in the future. Dog training can be a challenge, so ensure you start with a positive attitude. Here are a few basic commands you can teach your Bulldog:

Train your Bulldog to Sit

This is among the easiest obedience command tricks you can teach your Bulldog. Start by taking your dog to a quiet place that is free from distractions and hold the treat up to their nose. Then, move your hand up a little. This will cause them to move their head and adopt a sitting position to follow the treat. Once the dog is sitting, utter the command “Sit” and immediately reward them with a treat and offer them praise. You may have to repeat the above-mentioned instructions a few times every day until they have completely mastered the trick.

Train Your Bulldog to Come on Command

This is an important command that teaches the dog to come back to their owner. This will prevent them from wandering off in a park or anywhere else even if they are not on a leash. Start by putting a leash or collar on your dog and take them out to a quiet park or yard where there are not too many distractions. Start by moving a few steps backward from your dog, with a treat in your hand.

Once you are a few steps away from your dog, gesture him to come towards you by uttering the command “come.” Once your dog starts moving in your direction, praise and encourage him in a happy tone of voice. Immediately offer them the treat. You have to repeat this exercise a few times a day until they start to get the hang of it.

Teach your Bulldog to Stay

This is an important command that will ensure your dog remains calm and composed in difficult situations. However, before you attempt to teach your dog this command, ensure they have mastered the “Sit” command. Start by asking your dog to sit down, and then open your palm, asking them to “Stay.” Move a few steps backward before offering them the treat. Reward your dog for staying put, even if it is for a few seconds.

If your Bulldog is not fond of training and has a bullheaded attitude every time you ask them to fetch something, perhaps you have been relying on the wrong training approach. Bulldogs are compassionate animals that love to be around kids. This means that they are packed with energy and cannot get enough of playtime. Bulldogs love the company of people and seek attention. If you are having trouble training your dog, here’s how you should go about it:

Things To Keep in Mind If You Plan to Train Your Bulldog

Be Compassionate

While training, listen to your dog and pay attention to their body language. If they appear scared or seem uncomfortable, perhaps it is time you end today’s session and start again tomorrow. Forcing your dog may result in bigger problems down the line and may cause your Bulldog to lose your trust.

Allot Enough Time for Training

Dog training is a time-consuming process that will require your utmost devotion. Ensure that you schedule enough time for training. Try to set aside at least half an hour for formal training sessions for adult dogs and 15 minutes for younger puppies as they have a shorter attention span.

Offer Immediate Rewards

To encourage your Bulldog to take greater interest in training, offer them immediate rewards. You can pack dry treats for your pet, such as dog biscuits. Apart from food rewards, praise your dog or indulge in additional playtime with them or allow them to play with their favorite toy. Reward your dog within 2 seconds of the favorable behavior. If you wait too long, your dog may not associate the treat with the behavior. Always be gentle and patient with your Bulldog. If you appear impatient and restless, it might make your dog feel uncomfortable and discourage them from doing their best.

Remain Consistent

Do not expect your Bulldog to instantly pick up on tricks. You will have to be persistent and consistent. Everybody in your family should be on board with your dog’s training goals. This will encourage your pet to be on his best behavior at all times.

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