How to Reduce Snoring in Bulldogs

It’s no secret that most Bulldogs snore. While their faces, personalities, farts, and snoring moments are parts of their charm, it still helps to know how to reduce snoring in Bulldogs.

Causes of Snoring in Bulldogs

Snoring may be caused by different factors including obstruction in your Bulldog’s airways, allergies, sleeping position, genetics, or other health issues. In Bulldogs, the shape of their skull contributes greatly in their likeliness to snore.

  • Sleeping position,
  • Tightness of the jaw,
  • Length of tongue,
  • Touching of throat and mouth tissues,
  • Feeble throat,
  • Fat build up in the throat,
  • And Obstruction in the nasal tube that may or may not be congenital (nasal structure).

Nasal Obstruction Causes Snoring in Bulldogs

Foreign objects like grass, dirt, and soil can get into your Bulldog’s nose and create obstructions in their already small and short nasal passages.

Snoring in Bulldogs May Be Caused By Sleeping Position

While Brachycephalic dogs snore mostly because of the structure of their nose and skull, their sleeping position may contribute to it. Some dogs are more likely to snore when they sleep on their side or back compared to when they sleep in on their stomach.

Read: How to Stop Your Bulldog From Eating Too Fast

To determine if your Bulldog’s sleeping position is the cause of snoring, try changing it every time you hear him snore.

Genetics: The Main Reason for Snoring in Bulldogs

The head of the Bulldog is big. His face is flat and his nose is short. They also have constricted airways due to the fatty deposits in their throat – and this makes breathing more difficult for them especially when they sleep. Some of them even have long tongues and elongated soft palates, which impedes or disturbs the smooth flow of air when they breathe.

Medications Can Also Worsen Snoring in Bulldogs

Some pain medications, antihistamines, sedatives, and more have muscle-relaxing side effects. This can cause the muscles around your Bulldog’s airways to sag a little and make a slight obstruction. But this effect should go away when your Bulldog is no longer under medication.

Allergies Can Cause Snoring in Bulldogs

Let’s face it. Bulldogs are very prone to allergies and this can contribute to their snoring. When a Bulldog suffers from allergies, the airways may swell and cause the airways to become smaller. The shrinking of the airways will make it harder for your Bulldog to breathe and will cause him to snore when sleeping.

Tips to Reduce Snoring in Bulldogs

Most Bulldogs – if not all – do snore. While it may be impossible to fully stop your Bulldog from snoring, there are things we can do to reduce it. Here are some more tips that may help reduce snoring in Bulldogs.

  • Exercise your Bulldog. Adequate exercise should help your Bulldog tone his muscles that can hopefully reduce his snoring. Do not over-exercise your Bulldog to prevent him from overheating.
  • Placing a humidifier near your Bulldog’s sleeping may help as well. The additional moisture in the air the humidifier brings can help your Bulldog breathe better.
  • Try to change your Bulldog’s sleeping position to determine the position he snores less in.
  • Keep your Bulldog’s sleeping area clean. Make sure your Bulldog’s bedding is free from dust, pollens, and other possible allergens that can trigger his allergies.
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